We provide OEM/ODM and custom cutlery service, which is our core business.We can customize the shape, logo, material, process according to your requirements.

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Product Diversity

The range of products we offer in cutlery and Kitchenware, update dozens of the latest hot prouducts.

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High Quality

Kaixuan will strive to fulfill your requirement in taste, price, and delivery-customer driven quality

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Competitive Price

Advanced manufacturing and supply chain solutions. We always can supply you a good quality item with competitive price.

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Rich Experience

We have for the past 10 year's successfully served prestigious clients around the world.



There are a variety of styles and sizes for customers to choose from. The range of products we offer in stainless steel can be from existing styles and designs or by creating custom designs to your specifications. We may modify the form, logo, material, and method to meet your specifications.

kaixuan cutlery flatware

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Production Process

Grasp every link and establish the world with quality. Here is our stainless steel flatware production process for information, this will help customers know better about the factory and products.